Deaf Students Benefit At CU-Boulder From Aid Of Disability Services

Sept. 24, 1997

(Note: To contact Cliff Moers or any TTY user, call Relay Colorado at 1-800-659-3656 to place your call.) Sometimes called an “invisible” minority, some 17 deaf and hard of hearing students are quietly reaching their educational goals at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Though the deaf and hard of hearing population at CU-Boulder is small, students say the services provided are first-rate.

CU-Boulder Real Estate Center Names Bill Reynolds Person Of The Year

Sept. 24, 1997

Editors Note: Reynolds is unaware that he is being honored at the awards dinner. We request that you not spoil the surprise. Bill Reynolds, owner of the W.W. Reynolds Cos. in Boulder, will be named the University of Colorado Real Estate Council's Person of the Year Thursday night, Sept. 25, at an awards banquet at the Hyatt Regency-Downtown Denver. Reynolds, a longtime Boulder County real estate developer, is responsible for projects including the Pearl East Business Park, Westwood Condominiums, and the Table Mesa and Sunrise shopping centers.

Ombuds Service For Faculty Starting This Fall At CU-Boulder

Sept. 23, 1997

University of Colorado at Boulder Chancellor Richard Byyny has announced a pilot Faculty Ombuds program for the 1997-98 academic year, following a recommendation by the Boulder Faculty Assembly to create a program. Two recently retired faculty members will each serve as part-time Faculty Ombudspersons. Robert Fink, former dean of the College of Music, and Jack Kelso, professor emeritus of anthropology and former director of the Farrand Hall Residential Academic Program, will share the post.

Sewall Hall Program Sets Fall Symposium Speakers

Sept. 21, 1997

The 1997-98 Sewall Symposium Series at the University of Colorado at Boulder will open Sept. 29 with a talk on affirmative action by Georgetown University law Professor Mari Matsuda. Matsuda’s address, “We Won’t Go Back: Making the Case for Affirmative Action,” is free and open to the public. The talk will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Old Main Chapel and will be followed by a reception in the CU Heritage Center.

Zany Parade and Pre-Game Parties Highlight CU Homecoming Sept. 26-27

Sept. 18, 1997

A stampede of Ralphie-impersonating canines is headed for the University of Colorado’s Homecoming Parade on Friday, Sept. 26, on University Hill in Boulder. The Buffs plays Wyoming on Saturday, Sept. 27. Kickoff is at 1:30 p.m. “As part of the parade, we're inviting contestants to dress their dogs like Ralphie and compete for big prizes," said Jen McLaughlin, Homecoming parade coordinator.

'Live High, Train Low' Is Proven Best Way To Train, CU Prof Says

Sept. 18, 1997

EDITORS: Color slides and black-and-white photos of Professor Gamow and the Gamow Bed are available by calling 303-492-4007. A University of Colorado at Boulder professor expects more elite athletes will begin sleeping in a device he invented now that his long-held theory on the best use of altitude for training has been scientifically proven.

Science Discovery Program Set To Begin At CU-Boulder

Sept. 17, 1997

Youngsters with an interest in science, whether it be looking at bugs or studying advanced astronomy, will find something enticing in Science Discovery, an outreach program of the University of Colorado at Boulder. After-school and summer enrichment courses are offered in all fields of science for students ages 4 through 16. Courses are taught by instructors specially qualified for the program and held at various campus locations or at the Chautauqua Community House.

CU-Boulder Begins Search For Facilities Director

Sept. 17, 1997

A search committee has been formed to seek a new director of facilities management at the University of Colorado at Boulder, replacing Paul Tabolt, newly appointed vice chancellor for administration. Chaired by Jeff Lipton, director of business services, the committee has placed position announcements in local, state and national publications. The deadline for application is Oct. 24. John Bruning, assistant director for maintenance operations since 1993, has been tapped to serve as interim director of facilities management until a permanent director is named.

CU-Boulder Professor Named Investigator By Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Sept. 17, 1997

University of Colorado at Boulder Assistant Professor Min Han has been named an investigator by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, bringing the number of the prestigious appointments on the Boulder campus to four. Seventy new appointments nationwide in 1997 by the Chevy Chase, Md.-based Hughes Institute brings the total number of Hughes investigators to more than 330 at 72 medical schools, universities and research institutes. Investigators range from Nobel laureates to outstanding young researchers working on potentially ground-breaking discoveries early in their careers.

CU Regents Approve Tabolt Appointment

Sept. 17, 1997

The University of Colorado Board of Regents approved the appointment last week of Paul F. Tabolt, formerly director of facilities management at CU-Boulder, as the campusÂ’ new vice chancellor for administration. Tabolt replaces former Vice Chancellor James Fletcher, who resigned in April 1996. Peter Barden served as acting vice chancellor in the interim. Tabolt, who came to CU-Boulder in 1991, has been a proponent for improvements in customer-focused service in the facilities management department.
