Potential For Life In Universe Reaches Far Beyond Earth, CU Prof Says

Oct. 1, 1998

Note to Editors: Bruce Jakosky will give a free public talk about his new book at the CU Museum on Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. The potential for the evolution of past or present life in the universe reaches beyond Mars and even our own solar system, according to a University of Colorado at Boulder space scientist.

CU-Boulder To Hold Computer Modeling, Simulation Symposium Oct. 3

Sept. 30, 1998

The CU-Boulder Graduate School is sponsoring a computer modeling and simulations symposium in the Duane Physics Building on Saturday, Oct. 3, to enhance research opportunities among different departments and institutes. The symposium will highlight a number of cutting-edge computer modeling and simulation efforts, from the effects of El Nino on monsoons and DNA-protein interactions that regulate gene expression to modeling the physics of the human body and even simulating seismic effects on structures.

CU-Boulder Chancellor Chosen For Hall Of Fame

Sept. 30, 1998

At the age of eight, Richard Byyny decided to become a competitive swimmer, a decision the would have a profound impact on his life. Byyny, chancellor of the University of Colorado at Boulder, was inducted into the Long Beach City College Hall of Fame Oct. 1.

Sustainable Tourism Expert Visits College Of Business

Sept. 30, 1998

Bernard Lane, editor of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, will visit the University of Colorado in mid-October to meet with faculty, students and local tourism professionals and to give a public talk on tourism Thursday, Oct. 15. Lane's talk, "Sustainability and Tourism: The Great Dilemma," will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 15 in room 154 of Fleming Law School. Lane, who lives in Bristol, England, will serve a brief residency at the newly established Center for Sustainable Tourism in the College of Business.

CU-Boulder Launches Month Of Activities To Promote Community Service Involvement

Sept. 29, 1998

Editors: Many of the listed activities are good photo oppportunities, particularly the one-day activities. Contact Amy Taylor for additional details at 303-492-6432. October has been designated "CU in the Community" month at the University of Colorado at Boulder to further involve faculty, staff and students in serving a favorite cause or charity and to share CU's considerable "people power" with local organizations.

CU-Boulder Offers Pre-Game Seminars For Nov. 14 Game Against Iowa State

Sept. 29, 1998

University of Colorado at Boulder football fans will have the opportunity to attend one of two lectures to be held on campus before the game against Kansas State on Oct. 10. The "CU Before the Game" lecture series is designed to give people a taste of the kinds of classes CU-Boulder offers its students. The presentations are given by professors and instructors affiliated with CU and last approximately one hour.

CU-Boulder's Center Of The American West To Host Annual Distinguished Lecture

Sept. 29, 1998

The Center of the American West will host its fourth annual Distinguished Lecture Oct. 8 and Oct. 9 featuring Hal Cannon, a Western folklorist, and Teresa Jordan, a teacher and essayist, speaking on, "The Stories That Shape Us." The Oct. 8 talk will be at the Denver Public Library Conference Center. On Oct. 9 it will be at Old Main Chapel on the CU-Boulder campus. Both events begin at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public.

Antarctic Ice Core Hints Abrupt Warming Some 12,500 Years Ago May Have Been Global

Sept. 29, 1998

An analysis of an ancient Antarctic ice core indicates an abrupt climate warming occurred there about 12,500 years ago, an event previously thought to have primarily influenced climate in the Northern Hemisphere. James White, a paleo-climatologist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, said changes in stable isotope ratios -- an indicator of past temperatures in the Taylor Dome ice core from Antarctica -- are almost identical to changes seen in cores from Greenland's GISP 2 core from the same period.

CU-Boulder Offers Pre-Game Seminars For Oct. 10 Game Against Kansas State

Sept. 29, 1998

University of Colorado at Boulder football fans will have the opportunity to attend one of two lectures to be held on campus before the game against Kansas State on Oct. 10. The "CU Before the Game" lecture series is designed to give people a taste of the kinds of classes CU-Boulder offers its students. The presentations are given by professors and instructors affiliated with CU and last approximately one hour.

National Ad Campaign For CU-Boulder Highlights "Minds To Match Our Mountains"

Sept. 28, 1998

An ad campaign featuring CU-Boulder's academic excellence debuts this month in five cities across the United States in an attempt to acquaint top-tier out-of-state students with some of CU's strong and competitive programs. The Minds to Match Our Mountains campaign, initiated by Institutional Relations Director Bobbi Barrow and created by CU advertising Professors Larry Weisberg and Brett Robbs, will feature ads in business publications and on National Public Radio. The campaign is being tested in Minneapolis, Dallas, Boston, Tulsa and San Diego.
